Tuesday 11 December 2007

Selling Endowment Policies

Hubby and I want to buy our own flat one day. But we are worry that we will not be able to settle the mortgage. Both hubby and I work in a restaurant. What if the restaurants we work in had to be shut down one day? We will be jobless. And the cost of living in London is so high. By then, are we suppose to surrender the mortgage policy to our bank at the lowest value? Nobody wants that to happen. However, Selling Endowment Policies can be easier now with Endowment Express in UK. You can easily sell them up to 30% more than the surrender value. Endowment Express does all the researches for you. It deals with all major buyers and therefore, it gets the best rate. Just fill up a free no obligation online form and you won't be disappointed. The best part is you don't have to wait too long to get the money.

*this is a sponsored post*

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