Monday 18 June 2007

My blog has no reader

I know my blog is quiet dull now because I have no photos in it. At the moment, I have no internet access at home and I am using the internet in a local library here. So it is very inconvinience for me to download the photos in the library. BTW, who cares if my blog is dull because I am sure no one is reading it now anyway. This is my first blog I started more than 1 month ago and I am still learning to be a good blogger. Anyone with good advise are welcomed here. Arigato Gozaimashu.


New Kid on the Blog said...

Hi.... dont give up even your blog dont have readers...
My blog neither have readers too for the initial stage... Well, it doesn't matter... ok? Keep it up!!

stranger-online said...

Thank you so much, new kid