Tuesday 31 July 2007

Someone as ridiculous as Boyd

Finally I found someone as ridiculous as Boyd. This Russian chef made a mistake and still he had the face to shout at me. Customer ordered Skewered selection platter. As in the menu, the platter comes with bacon and no beef. Received a complaint from customer after he took a bite.

Me : Chef, what meat is this?
Chef : Beef
Me : OMG, customer is Hindu. He doesnt eat beef. Why did u put beef in it?
Chef : Oh, because I've ran out of bacon.
Me : You should've told me earlier and not after customer took a bite.

So, I went straight to manager and explained the whole situation because customer was very angry already (Customer was very religious).

Chef : Hey ! Do u understand english? I said no more bacon. This is pork not beef !!
Me : U told me it was beef. Customer wants bacon.
Chef : Do u understand English? I have no bacon. Do u know what pork and beef is ?? (He was shouting at me)
Me : SHUT UP !!!

And suprisingly, he did shut up. Finally, customers was so angry that he did not wan to pay for that dish. And the chef got a warning from manager. Padam muka.

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